Wasatch County Surveys

Our Surveying Team Reaches Some Areas of Wasatch County

We survey parts of Wasatch County, mostly the North and Western portions. This includes Heber City, Midway, Skyridge and Hideout. It also includes neighborhoods like Tuhaye, Red Ledges, Deer Crest, Deer Mountain, Victory Ranch, Interlaken, Daniel and Woodland.

Call early, as some of these Wasatch County areas are not easy to survey in the summer months, and impossible in the winter.

We know where the problem area neighborhoods are and know to allow extra time for surveys there. Timberlakes and some of the older neighborhoods have significant boundary discrepancies. The recorded subdivision map boundaries do not always match the boundary evidence we find in the field.

Q: Why does this matter? Isn’t it your job to figure this out?

A: Yes, it is our job! And we love our work. But it’s critical that we honor WHERE the boundaries are, not just for your parcel, but for the neighborhood.

Q: Why does the whole neighborhood matter? Are you charging me to survey all my neighbor’s property, too? I just need a survey for my house, not the whole neighborhood!

A: While we contract with you (the landowner) there is no real “Privity of Contract”, as our boundary decisions may affect the neighborhood. While we do a detailed survey of your parcel, we look for lot corner (boundary) evidence through a portion of your neighborhood. This means if we survey your parcel & somehow cause a neighbor harm because we did not do a wide enough boundary evidence search, we are liable. To everyone. It’s a heavy burden we take seriously.  We want our surveys to stand up to any scrutiny. The deep dives we take on boundary searches pay off long after your project is completed.

Red Ledges topographical survey in Wasatch Co.
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