Survey Types

What kind of survey do I need?

It depends on what your goal is!

Are you building a new home on a vacant lot?

We recommend a Boundary & Topographic Survey. We’ll show your architect the lay of the land, and mark your lot corners and lot lines so you can see exactly what you own. Click HERE for an example map.

Are you adding on or remodeling your existing home?

We suggest a Boundary & Existing Conditions Survey. We’ll show what you own & where it is on your lot. Click HERE for an example map.

Are you thinking of buying a vacant piece of property or lot in a subdivision, and want to know what you’ll own & where you can build your home?

We recommend a Lot Visualization Survey. We’ll show you where the lot boundaries are & where you could build your home.

Are you wanting to know exactly where your boundary lines are? You may be wanting to do some landscaping or install a fence.

We suggest a Boundary Survey. Click HERE for an example.

I’m refinancing or purchasing a property and my financier says I need an ALTA survey.

We can help you! We’re well versed in the intricacies of these surveys. ALTA stands for American Land Title Association, a national standard that helps financiers order exactly & only what they need on a specific survey. It’ll satisfy the requirements for your financing or refinancing. Click HERE for an example map.

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