Boundary Survey

Do you need to know where your Boundary Lines really are on the ground?

Maybe you want to put up a fence or install some new landscaping. Or….you just want to know where you and your neighbor’s shared lot line really is!

We recommend a Boundary survey

  • We'll determine your boundary lines of record. Record means your deed, or your lot in a subdivision, on paper. Where it's "supposed" to be.
  • We then find actual physical boundary evidence in the field. This will be not just on YOUR lot, but on all the properties that touch your lot. The idea is to be sure everything 'fits' together property, with no encroachments from one property onto another.
  • We reconcile the found boundary evidence with the written legal boundaries of your lot The idea is to protect YOUR land rights, while not throwing the neighborhood into disarray. Are the “found lot corners’ where they’re supposed to be? Not always!
  • While you are our client, we must honor the Boundary, even if it’s not in your favor.
  • We’ll draft a formal survey map that shows what boundary evidence we found, where & what condition it was in, and record it at the County Recorder’s Office. You’ll have access to it forever.

Click HERE if you want a deep dive White Paper on what we do for our Boundary Surveys.

Click HERE for an example map.

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