Why Us

Why Park City Surveying?

Surveying requires a rare and special combination of nerdy, computer savvy, detail-oriented knowledge-sponge personality and a rugged weather-hardy, powerful and enduring physicality and a glutton for punishment to do this job effectively. Oh yeah, and we also have to know all about Boundary Law, to protect your property rights. It’s not just a paycheck for us; we LOVE our work! And we’re there for you AFTER the project is done.


NBI Distinguished Faculty Member

Working in a small radius lets us get extremely dialed in on local ordinances & building codes.

  • We're familiar with the local area building, environmental and zoning rules. This deep knowledge helps us make a more comprehensive survey map.
  • We attend local County & City Planning Commission Public Hearings to be better informed of existing and upcoming zoning & code changes. That’s right; even if we’re not on the agenda, one of us attends meetings when possible, just to learn more about the process.
  • We have experience going in front of County & City Planning Commissions and Councils for plan approvals. We have a 100% approval record.

Company Culture

  • We demand excellence of all our employees, but are kind as we mentor them & they learn.
  • There are serious, multiple, documented layers of quality control.
  • There’s supervision by a licensed survey professional on all our projects.
  • The firm owner is in the field more than 50% of the time.
Utah Council of Land Surveyors
National Society of Professional Land Surveyors
FAA Certified Commercial Drone Pilot
OSHA Safety Certified
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