ALTA Survey

A.L.T.A. surveys, short for American Land Title Association surveys, are a very specific survey often requested for commercial properties. Financing is involved and the loan approval is based partly on the survey finding conditions in existence at the time of the loan.

The A.L.T.A. and the N.S.P.S. (National Society of Professional Surveyors) team up to clearly define what surveying terms and definitions shall apply. Since bankers aren’t surveyors, this team effort to define terms & conditions makes the entire commercial process go smoother.

How is an A.L.T.A survey different from a Boundary & Existing Conditions Survey? Sometimes, there is no difference in our end map deliverable. The main difference is in the scope of work & how it’s defined. There is a list of survey-related items that bankers request as part of each A.L.T.A. survey.

Click HERE for a link to the 2021 A.L.T.A. standards paper.

Click HERE for an example map.

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